Posts made by Stephen
Project Recconnect
Posts for September are now available - see www.projectreconnect.com.au or access from the links below
To see what's on the menu for September, click on any of the links below. Don't forget we also have an all-age message each week.
For the month of September, we include the Season of Creation, now celebrated worldwide, and the brainchild of Normal Habel, a Lutheran minister based in South Australia. The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion and commitment together.
During the Season of Creation, we join our sisters and brothers in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home in the All Age message. Norman Habel saw creation as deserving a season of its own to complement Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Advent and Pentecost. For more information, and ideas beyond simply liturgy and worship, see www.seasonofcreation.com
Please note that Season of Creation is worldwide and we are all different – you may choose to adapt the material according to the insights and challenges pertinent to your local context.
This series of downloadable Creation messages available on our website comprises:
All Age Messages for Season of Creation
3rd September Forests Cathy Beeton
10th September God's Wonderful World Laraine Chegwidden
17th September The Outback Maria Williams
24th September Rivers Maria WilliamsLectionary Sermons
Click on the title below to view the sermons.3rd September Pentecost 14 Taking up the Cross Rev Murray Lund
10th September Pentecost 15 Practical Love Elliot Burns
17th September Pentecost 16 The Verdict is: Forgiven Bec Westphal
24th September Pentecost 17 Labourers in the Vineyard Catherine Pepper
Charlie Pope
Chairman - Project Reconnect Management CommitteeWANT TO KNOW MORE?
See our website at www.projectreconnect.com.au
Email: [email protected], or
Phone: 0409 347 616An initiative of The Hunter Presbytery of The Synod of NSW & ACT and The Uniting Church in Australia.